Welcome To YIGANERJING Official Shopping Mall
Website Privacy Policy
    This site is operated by Taizhou Youpeng Import & Export Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "us"). We understand that you care about how your information is used and shared. Thank you very much for your trust in our cautious and sensitive handling of the matter. This statement explains our policy on privacy protection. If you visit this site, you agree to accept this privacy statement.
What personal information do we collect about you?
The information we receive from our clients will help us to personalize our customers' shopping on this site and continuously improve our customer shopping experience. The types of information we collect are as follows:
Information You Give Us: We receive and store any information you provide to us on our website or in any other way. You may choose not to provide certain information, but this may prevent you from using many of the featured services on this site. We use the information you provide to respond to your requests, personalize your future shopping on this site, improve our website, and communicate with you.
Automated access to information: Whenever you communicate with us, we receive and store certain information. For example, like many other websites, we use cookies. We will receive certain information when your web browser visits this website or other advertisements and other content provided by us or on our behalf on our behalf.
Mobile Devices: When you download or use an application developed by this website and its affiliates, we may receive information about your location and your mobile device, including specific numbers that identify your mobile device. We use this information to provide you with location-based location-based services such as ads, search results on this site, and other personal information. Most mobile devices will allow you to turn off location services. To learn how to turn off location services, click here.
Email Newsletter: To help us make email more useful and enjoyable, when you open an email from this site, if your computer supports some features, we usually receive an email about your receipt E-mail confirmation. We also compare our list of customers to the list of other companies we receive to avoid sending unnecessary information to our clients. If you do not wish to continue receiving our emails or other correspondence, please adjust customer communications options in your account.
Information received from other sources: We may receive information about you from other sources and add it to our customer information repository.

What is Cookies?

Cookies are special identifiers for your device that recognize your device so that our system can recognize your device and give you information such as one-click orders, recommended products for you, and other websites Personalized ads (such as affiliate sites that provide content from this site), and features such as keeping records of selected items in your shopping cart when you repeatedly visit them.
The Help section in most browsers will tell you how to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies and how to let your browser notify you when you receive a new cookie or how to turn it off completely. In addition, you can turn off or delete similar data (such as Flash cookies) used by browser add-ons by changing the settings of browser add-ons or by visiting their manufacturer's web page. However, cookies allow you to take full advantage of the best features of this site, so we recommend that you set it to on. For example, if you close or decline to accept our cookies, you will not be able to use the products added to your shopping cart, enter the billing page, or use the products and services of this website that you need to log in to.

Will we share the information we receive with others?

Customer information is an important part of our business and we will not resell it to others. We share customer information only with the affiliates of this website that apply this privacy statement or at least provide the same protection practices as this privacy statement in the manner described below.

Cooperative merchants not controlled by us: We work closely with cooperating merchants. In some cases (such as third-party sellers), these sellers shop on this website or sell merchandise to you as a seller on this website. In other cases, we will shop with some sellers to provide services or sell products. You can tell when your deal involves third-party sellers, and we share customer-related customer information with that third-party seller.
Third-party service providers: We hire other companies and individuals to perform certain functions on our behalf. Such as processing orders, delivering parcels, sending letters, e-mails or sms, clearing duplicate information in customer lists, analyzing data, providing marketing assistance, providing search results and links (including paid search listings and links), handling credit card payments And provide customer service. They have access to the customer information they need to perform their duties, but can not use this information for any other purpose.
Promotions: Sometimes we provide promotions on behalf of other businesses to the selected client base of this site. We will not disclose your name and address to these businesses when we provide this service. If you do not want to receive such promotions, please adjust your email preferences in your account.
Business Transfers: In order to continue developing our business, we may sell or acquire a store, subsidiary or business unit. In these transactions, customer information is often part of the assets of the business being transferred, but the information, of course unless the customer gives any other consent, is still subject to the promise of any privacy statement that existed prior to the transfer. While unlikely, in extreme cases customer information should be part of the transferred asset if the site or its affiliates or all of their respective assets are acquired.
Protection of this website and others: To comply with the law, enforce or apply our conditions of use and other agreements, or to protect the rights of this website, our customers or others and their property or safety, we will provide an account or other Personal information. This includes exchanging information with other companies and organizations to prevent illegal activities such as fraud and reduce credit risk. However, it is clear that this does not include the sale, rental, sharing or other disclosure of personally identifiable information for profit purposes in violation of the undertakings set forth in this privacy statement.
With your consent: In addition to the above, you will be notified when information about you may be disclosed to third parties, and you will have the opportunity to choose not to share this information with third parties.

About my information security?

As the information is being transmitted, we strive to secure your information by encrypting the information you enter using Network Security Layer Software (SSL).
When confirming the order, we will only show the last four digits of your credit card number. Of course, we will send the complete credit card number to the relevant credit card agency during the processing of the order.
It is important to prevent unauthorized use of your password or use of your computer or mobile device. Therefore, you should ensure that you log off immediately after you use it when sharing a computer or mobile device with others.

Third-party advertisers and other website links?

Our website has third-party ads and links to other websites. We do not provide identifiable personal information to these advertisers or third party websites. These third-party websites or advertisers (or their online advertising agencies) sometimes use technical means to send advertisements displayed on our site directly to your browser. At this point they automatically get your IP address. They may also use technologies such as cookies, JavaScript, web beacons to measure the performance of their ads and personalize their content. We do not have or control these cookies or other technologies that they may use, and this privacy policy does not apply to the conduct of these advertisers and third party websites. Please contact them directly for details on their privacy policy.

This site also displays personalized third-party ads based on the customer's personal information. Such personal information includes information such as shopping on this website and the websites of affiliated companies on this website. Although we do not provide any personal information to advertisers, advertisers, including advertising services companies, may think that users meet their criteria for personalizing ads if they interact with them or click on personalized ads.
What can I get?

This site allows you to access information related to your account and interactions with this site for the sole purpose of reading and updating your account information in certain circumstances. The information will be updated as the site changes.

What should I pay attention to when posting information?

If you find that you have posted information that is prohibited by law or regulation from being posted or transmitted when you post it on our website, we reserve the right to immediately stop transmitting the information, take measures to eliminate it, keep the records, and report to the relevant authorities.

If any other customer discovers personal information, personal privacy or other infringement of your legal rights on the information you publish, or if you disclose commercial electronic information as we permit, and other customers are exposed to such interference, these customers have the right to ask us Delete your post, or take other necessary steps to stop it. We will take these measures according to law.
What are my options?

As mentioned above, you may choose not to provide certain information, even if you are required to provide information when purchasing or using some of the featured services (such as your account's personal information, wish lists, user reviews, etc.) on this site.
You can add or update some of the information on the pages described in "Which of the information I can get" above? When you update your information, we usually keep a duplicate copy of the original information.
If you do not wish to receive our email, SMS or other correspondence, please adjust your email preferences (if you do not wish to receive us the conditions of use and other legal notices, such as this privacy statement, these statements will still apply to you It is your responsibility to use this website to read them for updates to them.)
If you do not want us to use the personal information we collect to allow third parties to personalize the advertising we have presented to you, please adjust your advertising options.
The Help section in most browsers will tell you how to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies and how to let your browser notify you when you receive a new cookie or how to turn cookies off completely. In addition, you can turn off or delete similar data (such as Flash cookies) used by browser add-ons by changing the settings of browser add-ons or by visiting their manufacturer's web page. However, cookies allow you to take full advantage of the best features of this site, so we recommend that you set it to open. For example, if you close or forbid accepting our cookies, you will not be able to add items to your shopping cart, enter your own checkout process, or access the products and services of this website that you need to log in to.

Whether to allow children to use this website?

We do not sell products to children, but we sell them to adults. If you are under the age of 18, you may only use this site if you are a parent or guardian.
Conditions of Use, Notification and Revision?

If you choose to visit this site, your visit and the privacy controversy will be subject to this statement and our conditions of use, including the limitation of compensation, dispute resolution and the law of the People's Republic of China. If you have any questions about privacy on this site, please contact us for full description and we will try our best to solve it.

Our business changes from time to time, and our privacy statements and conditions of use change. We will notify you of our updates by email or by posting an updated version on this website unless you instruct us not to do so, but you should always visit our website for the latest conditions of use and privacy statement. Unless otherwise stated, the current privacy policy applies to all of our information about you and your account. We hold to the promise we make and we will not make any material changes to our policies and practices without the consent of the relevant customers, reducing the level of protection of customer information.

Information collection examples

The information you provided to us

You provide most of our information when searching, buying, posting, entering contests or surveys, or contacting Customer Service. For example, you provide information when searching for a product, placing an order with this site or our third-party seller, or in my account (you may have more than one account if you shop with us) or your personal Information is provided in the form of an email, email, SMS or other communication with us, completing a questionnaire or contest entry form, editing a wishlist or gift register, participating in community special events and submitting and commenting on comments, When you share information and use any personal notification service features, you will be provided with information. As a result of these actions, you may be able to provide us with information such as your name, address and telephone number, credit card information, consignee including their address and telephone number, person's name in a 1-Click setup (including address And phone numbers), your friends and others' email addresses, comments and emails to us, self-introduction or photos in your personal information, and financial and other personal information such as your ID card.

Automatically obtained information

Examples of information we collect and analyze include the IP address, login information, email address, cell phone number, password, computer and connection information such as the type, version and time zone of the browser used to connect your computer or mobile device to the Internet Settings, browser plug-in types and versions, operating systems and platforms, shopping history, and sometimes we combine it with similar information from other clients to create website features such as best-seller, complete URL clicks to or from our site The situation, including date and time, number of cookies, items you viewed or searched for, and the phone number you use to contact our customer service. We can also use browser data such as cookies, Flash cookies or similar data on our site to prevent fraud and other unlawful practices. In some visits we may use software tools such as JavaScript to measure and collect information about user connections, including the number of page responses, download errors, the time of visit to a particular page, page interaction information such as scroll, click and cursor stays, and end browsing The method used by the page.
Mobile devices

Most mobile devices provide customers with the ability to turn off location services. In most cases, these settings are in the device's setup menu. For some device settings, click Turn Off Location Services on a specific device. Still have questions about how to turn off your device's location service